Actuarial Science


Honours Programme in Actuarial Science

BComHons (Actuarial Science)

The programme is offered on a fulltime, face-to-face basis only.

Minimum Admission Requirements

For admission to the one-year Honours programme applicants should have:

  • A BCom (Actuarial Science) or equivalent degree with Actuarial Science and Mathematical Statistics as majors;
  • Passes in university modules equivalent to at least six of the seven Foundation (A100-level) and Intermediate (A200-level) Technical subjects of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries); and
  • Exemptions from (or passes in the profession’s examinations for) at least five of the Foundation and Intermediate Technical examinations of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries). Your five subjects must include at least A211 or A213 (CM1).

Please note:

  1. If you did not complete your bachelor’s degree in the minimum time of three years, you must have an additional exemption for each additional year.
  2. If you only have 4 exemptions (after a three-year Bachelors) or 5 exemptions (after a four-year Bachelors) you may be considered for an extended (two-year) honours programme.
  3. It is expected that you should have an average mark for both third year Actuarial Science and third year Mathematical Statistics of at least 60%.


The number of students selected will be influenced by, among other things, staff capacity, the availability of resources within the Department, as well as academic merit and University transformation objectives. As staff capacity and resources may fluctuate from year to year, the number of students selected can also differ from year to year.

Should the applicants who meet the admission requirements exceed the capacity of the Department, the criteria of the admission requirements will be used to rank the applicants in order of suitability, and to finalise the list of selected applicants

Programme Content

Students will be required to pass modules totalling at least 120 credits made up as follows:

Compulsory Actuarial Science modules | 90 credits

Actuarial Risk Management (A311)12302-774 60
Actuarial Science Research Assignment 12991-79130

Compulsory R programming module | 6 credits

Introduction to R programming13074-7236

The Introduction to R Programming module will commence approximately two weeks before the start of the University’s usual academic year. The module will conclude with a practical test towards the end of February. 

All Actuarial Science Honours students are required to take this module.

Elective Actuarial Science modules | at least 6 credits

Communications (N211)10371-7736
Capita Selecta: Actuarial Principles A14224-7416

The Capita Selecta module, on the topic of Applied Ethics, is recommended for all students.

Elective (non-Actuarial) modules | to a total of at least 18 credits

In addition to the R module, modules totalling at least 18 credits (as approved by the Head of Actuarial Science from time to time) must be selected from topics offered in the Mathematical Statistics or Financial Risk Management Honours programmes.

Topics available include:

​Modules in Mathematical StatisticsCodeCredits
​Multivariate Statistical Analysis A​10602-71516
Multivariate Statistical Analysis B10603-74516
​Stochastic Simulation​65250-71812
Survival Analysis​10636-74616
​Time Series Analysis​10751-74712
​Statistical Learning Theory *​13360-​771 12
​Modules in Financial Risk ManagementCodeCredits
​Practical Financial Modelling​11166-7366
Financial Mathematical Statistics (Extreme Values & Stochastic Calculus)​11164-73212
Portfolio Management Theory A (Portfolio management process and analysis)10660-73312
Portfolio Management Theory B (Credit Risk Analytics)10661-76312


  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis A is a pre-requisite for Multivariate Statistical Analysis B.
  • Students wishing to take Financial Mathematical Statistics should ideally (although not essentially) have completed the Financial Mathematics 378 (Maths Dept.) module.
  • The number of actuarial science students who can enrol for Portfolio Management Theory B and/or Statistical Learning Theory may be limited in a particular academic year.
  • Some of the elective modules may not be offered in a given year. Please contact the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science to find out which modules will be available.

Duration of honours programme

The standard duration of the programme is one year. Students who are accepted into an extended (two-year) programme will need to defer at least one of Actuarial Risk Management or the Research Assignment, as advised by the Department. 

Students who wish to defer additional modules, or students accepted onto a one-year programme who wish to extend it, can arrange this when the programme commences.

Students who defer Actuarial Risk Management should note that they will not be permitted to register for this module until they have passed (through ASSA, or been exempted from) at least 6 of the A100- and A200-level examinations.

Grading and Regulations

The final honours grading will be the weighted average of the marks obtained for each module (based on module credits) as follows:

  • 80% based on the actuarial science modules; and
  • 20% based on the best 24 credits of non-actuarial science modules.

Students are expected to pass (i.e. with a mark of not less than 50%) modules totalling at least 120 credits (as outlined above).

Exemptions from the Professional Examinations

The university has an Exemption Recognition Agreement with the Actuarial Society of South Africa in respect of Communications (N211) and Actuarial Risk Management (A311).

On completion of the university degree an appropriate exemption recommendation letter will be prepared for each student. It is necessary for the student to complete the degree before such a letter can be produced.

Postgraduate Diploma in Actuarial Science

PGDip (Actuarial Science)

The Diploma will be best suited to students who have completed an Honours degree in Actuarial Science and who wish to study further towards an actuarial qualification but who do not want, at this stage, to undertake a Master’s degree (which has a significant research component).

The programme is offered on a fulltime, face-to-face basis only.

Minimum Admission Requirements

For admission to the Postgraduate Diploma programme applicants should have:

  • A BCom (Actuarial Science) or equivalent degree with Actuarial Science and Mathematical Statistics as majors, and Mathematics to at least second year level; and
  • Passes in university modules equivalent to all seven of the Foundation (A100-level) and Intermediate (A200-level) Technical subjects of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries); 
  • Exemptions from (or passes in the profession’s examinations for) at least 6 of the seven Foundation and Intermediate Technical examinations of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries).

Please note:

It is expected that you should have an average mark for both third-year Actuarial Science and third-year Mathematical Statistics of at least 60%.


The number of students selected will be influenced by, among other things, staff capacity, the availability of resources within the Department, as well as academic merit and University transformation objectives. As staff capacity and resources may fluctuate from year to year, the number of students selected can also differ from year to year.

Should the applicants who meet the admission requirements exceed the capacity of the Department, the criteria of the admission requirements will be used to rank the applicants in order of suitability, and to finalise the list of selected applicants.


A student will be required to pass modules totalling at least 120 credits selected from Actuarial Risk Management, the Fellowship Principles, and Fellowship Applications subjects of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

The following modules may be available:

​Actuarial Risk Management (A311)​12302-77460
Life Insurance Principles (F102)10372-81245
General Insurance Principles (F103) 10360-84345
Finance and Investment Principles (F105)10364-84545
​Ca​pita Selecta: Actuarial Applications A13697​-81160
​Capita Selecta: Actuarial Applications B13699​-84160

Modules totalling up to 30 credits (as approved by the Head of Actuarial Science from time to time) may be selected from topics offered in the Mathematical Statistics or Financial Risk Management postgraduate programmes.


  • Some of the elective modules may not be offered in a given year. Please contact the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science to find out which modules will be available.
  • F105 will be hosted by the University of Cape Town.

Grading and Regulations

The final grade will be a weighted average of the marks obtained for each module (with weights based on the module credits as given above).

Students are expected to pass (i.e. with a mark of not less than 50%) modules totalling at least 120 credits (as outlined above).

Exemptions from the Professional Examinations

The university has an Exemption Recognition Agreement with the Actuarial Society of South Africa in respect of Fellowship Principles subjects, F102, F103 and F105.

Masters Programmes in Actuarial Science

MCom (Actuarial Science)

The programme is offered on a fulltime, face-to-face basis only.

Admission Requirements

For admission to the Master’s programme applicants should have:

  • An Honours degree in Actuarial Science or Mathematical Statistics;
  • Passes in university modules equivalent to all eight of the Foundation (A100-level) and Intermediate (A200-level) Technical subjects of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries); and
  • Exemptions from (or passes in the profession’s examinations for):
    • at least six of the seven Foundation and Intermediate Technical examinations of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or equivalent examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries), and
    • the Actuarial Risk Management (A311) examination or one of the Fellowship Principles examinations of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (or one of the equivalent examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries).


The number of students selected will be influenced by, among other things, staff capacity, the availability of resources within the Department, as well as academic merit and University transformation objectives. As staff capacity and resources may fluctuate from year to year, the number of students selected can also differ from year to year.

Should the applicants who meet the admission requirements exceed the capacity of the Department, the criteria of the admission requirements will be used to rank the applicants in order of suitability, and to finalise the list of selected applicants


Two programmes are available:

  • Coursework option (Actuarial Science 889); and
  • Thesis option (Actuarial Science 879).

A student will be required to pass modules totalling at least 180 credits as follows:

Compulsory Actuarial Science modules (Coursework Option) | 60 credits

Actuarial Science Research Project11170-89560

Elective modules totalling at least 120 credits need to be chosen from the list below.

Compulsory Actuarial Science modules (Thesis Option) | 120 credits

Actuarial Science Thesis11171-896120

Elective modules totalling at least 60 credits need to be chosen from the list below.

Elective Actuarial Science modules

Life Insurance Principles (F102)10372-81245
General Insurance Principles (F103) 10360-84345
Finance and Investment Principles (F105)10364-84545
Health, Social and Employee Benefits (F108)14928-81845
​Ca​pita Selecta: Actuarial Applications A13697​-81160
​Capita Selecta: Actuarial Applications B13699​-84160

Elective (non-Actuarial) modules

Modules up to 30 credits (as approved by the Head of Actuarial Science from time to time) may be selected from topics offered in the Mathematical Statistics or Financial Risk Management postgraduate programmes.

Grading and Regulations


  • Some of the elective modules may not be offered in a given year. Please contact the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science to find out which modules will be available.
  • F105 and F108 will be hosted by the University of Cape Town.

The final grade will be a weighted average of the marks obtained for each module (with weights based on the module credits as given above).

Students are expected to pass (i.e. with a mark of not less than 50%) modules totalling at least 180 credits (as outlined above).

Exemptions from the Professional Examinations

The university has an Exemption Recognition Agreement with the Actuarial Society of South Africa in respect of Fellowship Principles subjects, F102, F103, F105 and F108.