Enquires: Elizna Huysamen
Telephone: 021 808 3244
E-mail: krugere@sun.ac.za
14 February
Luca Steyn (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Open-set recognition using extreme value theory
21 February
Jane Hutton (Department of Statistics, University of Warwick)
Healthcare serial killer or coincidence? The Royal Statistical Society 2022 report
28 February
Jan Beirlant (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Non-parametric cure models through tail estimation
14 March
Tertius de Wet (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Nonparametric estimation of the extreme quantiles of compound frequency distributions
28 March
Janette Larney (Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics, NWU)
Modelling the time to write-off of non-performing loans using a promotion time cure model with parametric frailty
11 April
Gcina Maziya (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Capital flows-at-risk: push, pull and the role of policy
25 April
Susan Lourens (Heineken, Stellenbosch)
Compositional biplots for log ratio analysis and visualisation of milk fatty acids
9 May
Trudie Sandrock (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Last things first: perspectives on first year Data Science
16 February
Jan Beirlant (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
RTail Classification using Non-liniear Regression on Tail Model Plots
1 March
Priyanka Nagar (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Statistics on Manifolds: An introduction to directional methods
15 March
Nelson Kyakutwika (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Joint Modelling of SPX Options, VIX Options, and VIX Futures
12 April
Zoe-Mae Adams (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Embedded word MCA biplots for sentiment visualisation
26 April
Daniel Polakow (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Honey do I look leptokurtic in this denominator? Conditional correlations in investment portfolios, and the Gerber Statistic
10 May
Alexis Levendis (Metropolitan, Cape Town)
VStatic hedging of vanilla and exotic options in a South African context
2 August
Janet van Niekerk (King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia)
Approximate Bayesian inference – INLA 2.0
30 August
Ruan Buys (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
bipl5: An R package for reactive calibrated axes PCA biplots
20 September
Thomas McWalter (AIRMRM, UCT)
27 September
Farrar (Department of
Mathematics and Physics, CPUT)
Auto-generating full
solutions to mathematical statistics online assessment questions using R
11 October
Amy Langston (Department of Statistics, Rhodes University)
A point process approach to modeling better-than-minimal, minimal, and worse-than-minimal repairs
18 October
Chris Muller (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Hybrid Learning – Can three full-time academic staff successfully teach a module to 2050 students? An overview and review of Theory of Interest 152, a module presented in hybrid format
24 February
Jan Beirlant (KU Leuven, Belguim & Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Estimation of tail parameters with missing observations
10 March
Elmarie Nel (Research Analytics, City of Cape Town)
Data-driven decision-making
24 March
Johan Fourie (Department of Economics, SU)
Big data in history: Challenges and opportunities
14 April
Wesley Pretorius (Allan Gray, Cape Town)
Monte Carlo simulations to determine the rate of work completion in an agile IT team
5 May
Michael Meyer (Hudsonthames, Johannesburg)
Meta Labelling Architecture
29 July
Natalie van Zyl (Statistics and Actuarial Science)
Considering a basic income grant for SA: it all depends on perspective
Talk was cancelled
12 August
Nicholas Danks (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Principle components, PLS components, or sum scores: from conceptual variable to statistical representation
25 August
Stephan Britz (Statistical Sciences, UCT)
Is gcForest-CS a viable alternative to deep learning for diseased cassave leave image?
8 September
Barto van der Vyfer (FNB, Johannesburg)
Credit risk with focus on credit pricing
29 September
Daniel Polakow (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Honey do I look leptokurtic in this denominator? Conditional correlations in investment portfolios, and the Gerber Statistic
13 October
Schalk Engelbrecht (KPMG, Johannesburg)
Virtue, democracy, and Data Science after Babel
27 October
Lizanne Raubenheimer (Statistics, Rhodes University)
Bayesian accelerated life testing
28 July
Natalie van Zyl (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Reforming social security in SA: Is there a place for a basic income grant or NSSF?
11 August
Richard Mullins (Wunderman & Thompson Data, Cape Town)
The intelligence advantage: Where creativity and data meet
25 August
Stephan Britz (Statistical Sciences, UCT)
Is gcForest-CS a viable alternative to deep learning for diseased cassave leave image?
8 September
Barto van der Vyfer (FNB, Johannesburg)
Credit risk with focus on credit pricing
29 September
Daniel Polakow (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Honey do I look leptokurtic in this denominator? Conditional correlations in investment portfolios, and the Gerber Statistic
13 October
Schalk Engelbrecht (KPMG, Johannesburg)
Virtue, democracy, and Data Science after Babel
27 October
Lizanne Raubenheimer (Statistics, Rhodes University)
Bayesian accelerated life testing
28 July
Natalie van Zyl (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Reforming social security in SA: Is there a place for a basic income grant or NSSF?
11 August
Richard Mullins (Wunderman & Thompson Data, Cape Town)
The intelligence advantage: Where creativity and data meet
25 August
Stephan Britz (Statistical Sciences, UCT)
Is gcForest-CS a viable alternative to deep learning for diseased cassave leave image?
8 September
Barto van der Vyfer (FNB, Johannesburg)
Credit risk with focus on credit pricing
29 September
Daniel Polakow (Statistics and Actuarial Science, SU)
Honey do I look leptokurtic in this denominator? Conditional correlations in investment portfolios, and the Gerber Statistic
13 October
Schalk Engelbrecht (KPMG, Johannesburg)
Virtue, democracy, and Data Science after Babel
27 October
Lizanne Raubenheimer (Statistics, Rhodes University)
Bayesian accelerated life testing